Friday, May 27, 2011

Some training vids as promise.

Okay, here are some videos from a few weeks ago.
After playing against Yun for the last few weeks, I feel I can not do anything to fancy during a match, because ONE mistake and it's GG.
Check out the vids and leave some comments^^

Cr8zyK1LL3r (iBuki) v Kevin (Yun)

Kevin (Yun) v Zosla (Akuma)

ChocoBlanka Vs Amiyu Gen

Now we all seen how this girl beat the famous Mago last year, it is very interesting to see a female player to be playing at such a high level in SSF4. Here is a video of her during a tournament for charity for Japan disaster, my new hero hahaha.

Now for some news about my training in the last month :).
It has been tough, lots of money spent at the arcades playing against the best in SSF4 AE.  My Akuma and Fei long has improved a lot, from option selects, to safe jump and plenty of different matchups including Yun and Yang. Our problem in NZ here is that we don't have many good players, only a hand full in which is limiting the amount of matchup experience and how much  as a community we can improve. Now days, some have even given up in trying, some have moved on to MvC3, others just don't have the will to move forward. Though I hope those that are still holding on and wanting to improve will get together and play more often, help each other out and improve as a community. I have a couple of videos from training recorded on my iPhone, decent quality but trying to get sound after I transfer them to my PC... so I'll post them up as soon as I can get this sorted lol.